
Super Good Morning

This morning
1) I didn't wake up too late
2) I did my pushups
3) I tied my jacket around my waist
4) I went to get water from Commons
5) the Portland hill outside was glowing rosy and peach from the
6) blinding peach sun just coming over the trees from across the front lawn
7) just 20 or so feet above my head
8) lighting flying birds, treetops, and everything above a certain height with gold
9) slowly turning the walls of the gray dorm I was standing by into gold while
10) seagulls launched themselves from behind the building to fly in wheeling circles
11) in the light above the green ocean of the front lawn and
12) I enjoyed it all, wading in the cool east wind
13) without going back for a camera

...collecting signs like this -
I feel like Christopher from the curious incident of the dog in the night-time.


Churaesie said...

AND it's the 31st and my list ended at 13.

Churaesie said...

on my way to class, as I passed the clusters of trees, sun shone in like a strobe light from oh-so-blue sky.

My eyes are hurting a little
I've been looking at the sun too much

Churaesie said...

This afternoon,
the seagulls were replaced by a murder of crows which peppered the front lawn

They flew off in a cloud of discrete black triangles

I very much admire crows

Schzamn said...

this morning i ate the last of my cherry pie which i had horded all this while, recieved a less than happy grade in spanish and was exactly 8 letters off from an A, and then had a math teacher who believes in ruling by fear to invent the ideal environment to associate with learning math.