

I'm going to let the outside world know about this blog today.
Which means, I'll email a few people here and there.
And since I've already got an Introduction, I thought a Dedication would be appropriate.

But actually, this blog is still for me,
though that will probably change given the nature of some of the things I'm planning to write.

So how about some Acknowledgements where credit is due?

to xitdedragon for paying attention to my ideas, suggesting posting, and giving me blog advice,
to friends (and some strangers) for interesting, even inspiring blogs,
to friends and teachers in Africa for hospitality and for verbalizing the importance and responsibility of sharing knowledge,
to my writing teacher for inviting me into her class,
to my math teacher for teaching me a math that wasn't just numbers, and for encouraging me with, "You can do a lot of good by writing,"
to my chem and physics teacher for teaching the difference between a thing and it's symbol, and fostering quirky humor,
to my professors for their patience, encouragement, and furthering ways to view the world,
to my friends for awesomeness, sincerity, hilariousness, and all those things that make living especially fun,
to my family for all the times we laughed so much that Sam almost threw up, and things like that,
and to God for not leaving us as orphans, for restoration, and for making things new.

I actually have a dedication planned out somewhere for my first book. But, this is not a book.
But, man, with acknowledgements like that, this blog better at least be worth reading.
I'll know if it's bad when the people on my thankyou list email and ask to not be associated with it. :)

Thankyou everyone,
for being components of my life.
I very much enjoy it.

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