

I am disappointed that I failed to post something "yesterday" while it was still Oct. 3rd.
It was an overall friendly day, or at least if nothing else, the numbers were always there to be nice.
bummer. The only 10/03/2006 ever and I missed posting on it.

Oh yeah. Hello 10.04.
I'm sorry, but I just don't trust even numbers as much.
Except for 8.

1 comment:

Churaesie said...

But I must admit. The digits 10.04.2006 lined up do look rather stylishly classy. My compliments. No offense taken, I hope. You do seem to be a pretty even tempered collection of numbers.

10.04.2006 is the kind of date that would wear a tux or at least a simple, nice suit - probably with a carnation, and definitely a tie. Rather gentlemanly.

Or, if female, she'd be a calm hostess with some tasteful variant of the black dress, hair tied back, and probably reservedly grandmotherly.