
word for the decade

The following question posed by one ethan rafal:

he demanded to be sent 'one word (nouns best) that best describes the last decade as you see it.'

Thinking about this question gave me a passing sense of vertigo.
Not only do I have over 10 years of consciously-functioning life to look back on, but so very very very much has happened in any interval of it (and yet, things are not so different now). It is revealing too, I think, that as I searched for a word, I was thinking mostly about the changes I had desired and developed in my own person. This is in contrast to real knowledge or ability to consider what the rest of the world was experiencing as I moved through high school and into college. The aspects of the last decade that I considered as I contemplated my word revealed what had been important to me and what I had thought important enough to mentally document.

I don't have a satisfying answer (yet).
But the answer's not the important part. It seems like one of those questions about trees falling in uninhabited forests where the answer is not the goal, but rather, the side-effects of considering the question. Further, any answer is meaningful because it is something you produced and reflective of the way the thinker thinks.

Try it.
What have you been paying attention to over the last 10 years?

(ethan chose ponzi-scheme )


Matt Shruhan said...


Unknown said...
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Churaesie said...
