
feeding habits


perhaps I will be able to say that I used to expend a lot of effort choosing very carefully exactly what to say for fear of missing my target,

but then I realized that whether or not people understand has very little to do with the content they are given.

People are blind, and will see only what they are prepared to see, regardless.

And when I really understand this,
I will know that however someone responds to something is at least as telling of where they are coming from as it is of how well I spoke. I can only anticipate so much, and then, as much as I wish to be an architect of these things, my half of the bridge is built. Whether I can be met with open understanding is a condition of the hearer more than an evaluation of me as a speaker, although of course I will try to be flexible to the condition of my audience.

When I understand this, I will be able to tell whether corn or pearls are called for. I will learn from the response what the feeding habits are. If that's not what I've got, I will accept retention of the things I cannot express or share. People don't accept what they can't recognize. Of course swine will insult what they can't eat.

And, I won't mind, but I will feel alone.

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