
Oracle at 112 5th Ave

I was walking with a friend in New York City when this vertically-scrolling column caught my eye.

  • Enjoy yourself because you can't change anything else

  • The sign was speaking to me. And it was relentless.

  • Aspiring for love is stupid

  • Even your family can betray you

  • Extreme self-consciousness leads to corruption

  • Fear is the greatest incapacitor

  • I'm glad that my friend was there too, because he began reading aloud from the display. Otherwise, it would have been easy to think that I was seeing some kind of hallucinatory prophetic vision.

  • Freedon is a luxury not a necessity

  • Giving true reign to emotion is an honest way to live

  • Keep your life in flux

  • Hiding your motives is despicable

  • I kept semi-expecting the quotes to begin repeating themselves, but they never did. They only began sounding perhaps more political. I kept reading and hearing the words in the rising voice of my friend.

  • It is man's fate to outsmart himself

  • Is Liberation dangerous? Only when overdue!

  • Let it explode. Run with it. Don't control or manipulate

  • Grassroots agitation is the only hope

  • It is sometimes better to die than to continue

  • I considered that it might be good practice to read these things out loud from time to time.

    As with everything of course, add salt to taste.

    (* We asked some people emerging from the building what sort of building it was. They replied, Barnes & Noble)

    1 comment:

    Unknown said...

    Google has one of those at their HQ, only it shows you the (non x-rated) things that people are searching for. What they lack in prophecy they make up for in ... voyeurism?