
If I was on that mountain

Therefore if thou bring thy gift to the altar, and there rememberest that thy brother hath ought against thee;

Leave there thy gift before the altar, and go thy way; first be reconciled to thy brother, and then come and offer thy gift.

Sometimes I think people expect that there's something easy and incomprehensibly simple about enlightenment or "The Plan" or something, and if they only knew the right thing - if that secret could be bestowed upon them or transmitted into their brains, then suddenly everything would fall into place.

When really,
even if that one line existed (maybe it does) and someone told it to you,
you wouldn't be in any condition to actually use it unless you were already configured in such a way that it could fall into place into you. And this is work that no one else can do for you.

Those people who climb the mountain looking for the wise man have no business there and will not be able to take in what he says about truth or reality or the kingdom of God until they understand how to interact with the world immediately around them. How can we ask for heaven if we cannot be at peace with those around us?

If it was me on that mountain,
I think maybe when people climbed up to ask me about the meaning of life,

I think I might tell them to go and come back when they've befriended this cat:

(She pretty much hates everything.)

1 comment:

Churaesie said...

a mountain update:

on Saturday (3/3/07),

I went snowboarding (if there is a next time, I will ski).

It was great and I got nearly lost in some absolutely stunning scenery.

But the point for the moment is that it probably won't be me on the mountain because I don't anticipate having available the necessary resources to make such trips to mountains in the longer-term future.