
Ella Enchanted

Have you ever read the book Ella Enchanted?

Well, neither have I.
But I read the back cover and enough of the beginning to get the idea.

There's this girl who had a curse put on her at a very young age. It wasn't meant to be a curse. It was meant to help her become a beautiful well-behaved daughter. But the best of intentions and the means by which they are carried out sometimes conflict - as it was, the spell was something along the lines of 'She'll do whatever she is told to do' which sounds nice, but really messed with her.

Anything that people told her to do, she had to do - whether or not she agreed. Certainly, this was not a good thing to let other people know about. As she grew up, she found ways to put it off, to do things in unexpected ways, to get around it if the command was not specific enough, but whatever she was told, she would eventually have to do in one way or another. It would press at her and compel her until she had accomplished it.

I feel like I can relate.

Once I have it in my mind to do something, I have to do it. Eventually. In some manner. If I am prevented, it does not go away. It waits. It reminds me of itself periodically.

If too many of these things build up, they keep cycling through my head, and the only way I can remove them is by accomplishing them in some manner, or justifying their impossibility.

(Possibly, there are many things I do not remember... but I guess I wouldn't know)

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