
Knowledge and Fish

I saw a quote somewhere recently... I think it was at the Mirador shop where I was looking for henna. One of those quote magnets so that you too can have profound thoughts on your refrigerator for only $1.25 or whatever.

Knowledge keeps as well as fish

And it's true.
The periodic cycles by which we perceive our process of living shift around the different facets of experience. We constantly change approaches, each time sure that the next is better, only to end up where we've been before.

A friend of mine was looking at the filled bookshelves he'd moved into his new room, musing that he'd read most of all of those books, and yet did not consider himself nearly as smart as the contents of all of those books.

If I remembered half the things I've discovered and scribbled to myself on scraps of paper (or even on this blog) in fear of forgetting....
It's so hard to hold them all at once.

This is the beginning of a new project. Every few months or so, I ought to gather up the things which I really can't afford to forget. The things which will be true no matter which perceptive cycle I've chosen at the time.

Here are just a few that I want to remember right now:

Crazy Path + Head up
With this in mind
I have decided
that the best path to take
is the crazy one
the one that you might slip or fall in, but invites a try.

But only if you keep your head up
and keep the sun in mind
otherwise, for all you'll learn, you might as well have taken the easy way home.


It seems that this requires
sharing weight
imposing oneself
taking another's space (ask first)
and trusting that such actions will be received and returned.

Do not be passively boiled

The Wind
The wind knows where it's from and where it's going to. The leaves have to wait to find out.

Don't Limit Yourself, and don't adhere too closely to prior learning or decisions as to obstruct further understanding.

Fear stymies creativity

and if Devdas asks you to leave with him,

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