

I am not just my face
or my feelings
or a collection of chemicals working out to equilibrium

I am more than my personality,
the frequencies of my voice,
my pulse and heart rate

I am none of these things.
I am all of them.

I am not just a sister
or a daughter
or a friend

I am integrated over my past
and my future
of which my considered self now
is but an instant

I think God is like this, too.
That's how He gets to make statements like
without supplying a particular referent.

Thus the omniscience, omnipotence, omnipresence.

That's how I could watch my concept of God dissolve.. not like a vanishing, but more like a solution.

is true, either way you read it.
He's nowhere.
He's everywhere. everything.

A friend once asked how I thought of God.
My answer then was A person, I suppose for the reason that I found it convenient and useful to think of the relation between God and myself as the kind of relationship that might exist between two people. I recognized that this was probably a limited view, but it seemed the most appropriate for then.

I explained to a different friend a few days ago that I'd felt about God as though we'd been in pen-pal correspondence for quite some time, becoming familiar with one another but never really meeting, until one day I received a letter along the lines of "I suppose it's about time I told you, _______..." - I don't know what exactly would follow, but it would be something that did not invalidate what I knew of this person, but really called into question my sense of familiarity and prompt me to wonder whether the image I'd built of them was at all representative of the person I'd actually been writing to this whole time.


Given this spin on my understanding,
what is my response ability?

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