
Driving Equilibrium

Often, my experience has been as though
embroiled in a series of a complex system of forces
working themselves out to equilibrium and
carrying me along.

I only think one move ahead, the Chess Player said,
But it's the best move

As the equation runs to completion, it's good to feel capable of floating, as best as you can, with what current processes demand.

You can't always be in control, this is a fact.
It is useful and reasonable to learn to be a good passenger.

But sometimes,
you get to take the wheel.
Sometimes, you have to take the wheel.

All you need to do to steer is know where you want to go (or get away from).

There is a time for all things.
And though it's useful (sometimes life-saving) to know how to take what is given,
-that's not the only thing-
learning to drive is an absolute must.

It's a book that says the [same] something as almost all the other books in the world say, continued the old man, It describes peoples' inability to choose their own Personal Legends and it ends up saying that everyone believes the world's greatest lie. It's this: that at a certain point in our lives, we lose control of what's happening to us, and our lives became controlled by fate. That's the world's greatest lie.

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