
2 July

My last day of being 20

2 0

when my age is truncating to a new integer,
I feel as if there is some new responsibility or expectation I should have of myself-
- some new venture that I am taking on.

But this time,
laying on my back in the grove of dancing trees,
watching the sun come through the leaves to fall in spotlight circles around me,
(I think that I don't spend enough time watching the sky above me like this)
this time it feels as though the number 21 is less of a venture and more of a recognition.
Shedding the 2 and 0 and replacing it with 21 (yes, both digits change) only feels natural,
and maybe even overdue.

With this, I get up and move into the second half of the summer.

the visual associations of today's date are purple, green, and flowery (probably grape flavored) -
like the iris that I didn't take a picture of last month.

like this,
but color the white with more purple.

(Happy Birthday Jazzy!)

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