

I'm in California

It rained the night I got in.
And is unusually cold, I guess.
Coming from Portland, I think this is normal.

This kind of weather seems to create unusual clouds.

I think this is what California means to me -
riding around amid cool scenery with good music. That's when I'm like, yeah. This is California.

And there's places like this:

We went to San Diego to see the SoCal faction of the Cairo Trek. It was really good to see them as people again. It was a little strange to be wearing our American culture clothes after seeing each other in Cairo all summer. We just went to get something to eat and walked around by the beach.

Sometimes I think about how people tend to be friends with people who have similar interests. A lot of my friends and I want to get out there and help somehow, do our part for changing the world, believing in ideals, and working for them. We're the kind of friends whose similar interests will land us in different parts of the world, focusing on other people. Many of my closest friends are these sort of people, the people who want to get out and do something, ..and chances are good that we will never see each other again. I really value the times we can have together.

That's why everyone needs to get out there and do something... so wherever I go, there will be others also going. We will be everywhere. And none of us will go alone.


The Fountain is an amazingly beautiful use of film as a media of expression and illustration. Amazing.

But not everyone thinks so.

Each scene is packed with symbolism. Every aspect contributes entirely toward the message. It's a very different use of film as discovery and art and a vehicle for an idea - I think it's the closest a film has ever come to being a comic book. Or graphic novel if you prefer.

I don't know if anyone's ever used the media of cinematography in this way before.

1 comment:

Schzamn said...

wow.. really cool picy-tures. i like the fat burger. maybe when you come home we can watch the fountain or something. it looks really cool