
In (not so) Recent News

From the last 2 or 3 months, I have a good deal of pictures and little stories that go with them which I am forgetting in the lack of their telling. It's also time to have my waking hours consumed by final exams and projects, so now is not a good time to put together a post of stories and pictures. I was planning on putting it all together into one post, but in the interest of sanity, I will try many simple photo posts.

Such as this:
The black walnuts that, on a gloriously windy afternoon in October, were falling like lemmings near my room, causing me to wonder why people were outside stomping in the parking lot until I realized what was actually going on. Matt and I, a little crazed by the outstanding beauty and general alive feeling of that day, ran under the trees in some form of Walnut Roulette.


Anonymous said...

Your blog keeps getting better and better! Your older articles are not as good as newer ones you have a lot more creativity and originality now keep it up!

Churaesie said...

Who are you? You commented on an older post. I hope you'll forgive my asking - my blog is becoming a more popular commenting arena for bots.

Can you at least say whether you are a bot or not?