
letter in notebook before bothering to finally look up character book reference

I wish

there was a kind of heaven
where someone would tell you an account of the work you've done in your life

so that you could see who you have been in mine.

If, on your deathbed,
you have a little time left after your life flashes before your eyes,
please ask someone to let you see my 2015
and you within it.

And how, no matter what happened next
I remembered and used the memories for the rest of my life.

Ask someone to show you the blazing floral embroidered mandala?

on Yongjia and Taiyuan Lu.

It's selfish I suppose
to see so much of the world in terms of myself
but by the law of mirrors, perhaps it must be so.

I enjoy the celebration
of finding so much recognizable self
in you.

the world, a bit less strange
when there's more of you in it.

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