
morning sun rises

people are actually pretty cool

most of them are really interesting,
and are actually not trying to impose on me, get something from me, or judge/criticize/shame me.

I feel like I just woke up from an unsettling nightmare
It's morning and the sun is shining
The people outside are familiar in a normal way.
I shall practice again expecting commonly expectable things
when did I start dreaming?
I would like to remember this feeling of waking up twice.
And, not to return to that dream.

1 comment:

Loxogramme said...

When we realize that most people are actually not trying to impose on us (that likely they are much too preoccupied to concoct something not centered around themselves)... then we realize that the perceived threat is coming from within ourselves; that somehow we are victimizing ourselves, that we hold fear within?
What happens first -- the sun rises or we crawl out of bed? (Referring to your two posts!) Because I think they are very much related.
Churaesie... I was just recently thinking through these very same realizations!