
on discovering a bruise

Bad: Getting sucker-punched by life

Worse: Discovering that you got sucker-punched a while ago and didn't even realize it

Confusing: Wondering what else you haven't been noticing.

Embarrassing: Looking back and realizing how you set yourself up for it, and explaining to others how this could have happened.

Difficult: Communicating to straighten out the facts, compare stories, and figure out what kind of music must be faced, and when.

Looking forward to:
Persevering, moving on far enough, and building a solid enough sense of self to no longer feel embarrassed about explaining to others how you let yourself get sucker-punched. Never making similar mistakes again.

1 comment:

CMT said...

Sorry boss but I’m going to have to wholeheartedly disagree with you on this one.

Yes this was definitely a sucker punch but this one was launched from one individual who seems to have some issues that have nothing to do with you.

Unfortunately these kinds of people exist and we just have to learn how to either avoid them or deal with them when they are in our vicinity. I refer to them as forces of nature, storms if you will.
Sometimes you can see the storm heading toward you and you can avoid it. Then there are the storms that you just have to endure until they pass or you pass them.

Now, I know it is very easy to blame yourself for maybe missing this storm coming or maybe even driving towards it. But from what I’ve seen from you and experienced myself, this storm is one of those sneaky bastards that may not seem as bad until you drive through it and later notice damage afterwards.

As far as missing things, wondering what else you missed and setting yourself up? There are some things that will always be missed because some people know how to hide themselves so well you have no idea who they are until they take their masks off. This coward took his off from in front of a keyboard at 1000 paces.

The WORST thing you can do now is blame yourself and start second guessing things. I can remember telling you a while ago. “Please don’t take any of that crap personally”. You are on your way to do great things for yourself and other people and you won’t let this kind of shit get in your way or slow you down.

Right now you are building your foundation of resources, skill and knowledge. As you progress you are going to be able to bounce back faster and eventually let things bounce off. From there you will hone yourself into a blade that can cut through any task or obstacle.

As far as this storm, this TEST is concerned; you are going to use the resources, skill and knowledge you have at this point in time to do the best you can to plow through it and show it how silly it was to get in your way in the first place. I can’t slice through this one for you but I will support you any way I can.